I Was Kissed by the Moon One Dark Night


I was kissed by the moon one dark night
I had looked upon his golden countenance
So unlike the harsh sun
Whose heat is a scornful slap

I was kissed by the moon one dark night
It was a gentle silver light
That floated around my head
A caress on my pale upturned face

I was kissed by the moon one dark night
He’s cool and ever-changing, mysterious in his ways
But I’m a fire to rival the sun
Demanding, insatiable, ready to consume the world, entirely

I was kissed by the moon one dark night
A fleeting moment of calm and silence
My bare feet in the grass, naked arms in the breeze
I didn’t resist the chill

I was kissed by the moon one dark night
The world, always more brilliant in his light
Deep shadows beckoned and promised intrigue

But I stood, alone and still,
Relishing the cool solitude, however temporary
Because inside I’m a burning chaos
-LM Jones

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